取得成果 | 专著 | 参编Wang, F.. Prominski M. (eds.). Water-Related Urbanization and Locality: Protecting, planning and designing urban water environments in a sustainable way. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2020, 27-46. Wang, F., Gao, C.G., Hu, W.Y. The Influence of Water Transportation Evolution on the Economic Development of Cities Along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Since the Late Qing Dynasty. |
论文与作品 | 1. Gao, C., Wu, Y., Bian, C., & Gao, X. Spatial characteristics and influencing factors of Chinese traditional villages in eight provinces the Yellow River flows through. River Research and Applications, 2021, August, 1-15.【SCI】 2. 汪芳,胡文颖,高晨舸.韧性视角下大运河沿线水陆交通网络与城市的耦合演变[J].风景园林,2021,28(07):31-38.【北大核心】 3. Wang, F., Gao, C.G. Settlement-river relationship and locality of river-related built environment. Indoor and Built Environment, 2020, 29(10): 1331-1335.【SCI】 4. Zeng, M., Wang, F., Xiang, S., Lin, B., Gao, C., & Li, J. Inheritance or variation? Spatial regeneration and acculturation via implantation of cultural and creative industries in Beijing’s traditional compounds. Habitat International, 2020, 95.【SSCI】 5. Wang, F., Gao, C.G., Hu, W.Y. The Influence of Water Transportation Evolution on the Economic Development of Cities Along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Since the Late Qing Dynasty. In: Wang, F.. Prominski M. (eds.). Water-Related Urbanization and Locality: Protecting, planning and designing urban water environments in a sustainable way. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2020, 27-46. |
承担项目 | 纵向课题 | 1. 山西省人力资源高质量发展重大专项研究课题, 建筑类高校毕业生就业创业路径研究, 主持. 2. 山西省政府重大决策咨询项目, 山西传统村落宜居宜业和美乡村建设与城乡协同发展研究, 主持. 3. 山西省基础研究计划青年项目, 传统村落地方性空间特征与形成机制, 主持. 4. 山西省艺术科学规划一般项目, 乡村振兴背景下的地方性文旅融合发展研究, 主持. 5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 宜居城乡地方性景观生态规划理论及方法, 参与. 6. 国家社会科学基金重点项目, 人地协调与城乡协同的乡村规划建设研究, 参与. 7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 流动性视角下旧城城市记忆的空间逻辑和地方实践, 参与. 8. 山西省政府重大决策咨询项目, 山西历史文化遗产保护与文化旅游融合发展研究——以传统村落保护与振兴策略为例, 参与. 9. NSFC-DFG中德科学中心资助项目, 城镇化与地方性: 黄河和莱茵河沿线城镇的地方性模式系统研究, 参与. 10. NSFC-DFG中德科学中心资助项目, 大规模城镇化进程中地方性的保存和发展研究——以中德运河沿岸城镇景观为例, 参与. |